A to Z reflections

A-to-Z+Reflection+[2015]+-+LgThis time last year I was celebrating completing my first A to Z Challenge. This year, I’m celebrating my second – and third: I’ve also fulfilled the 2015 challenge on my library blog. So my first reflection is that I’m not sure I’d do two at once again! Alternate years, maybe.

Thinking about this blog specifically, I’m really pleased with how it went. Somewhere around T, I surpassed last April’s total page views, so I did better than last year in statistical terms. But it’s the people who make the challenge – both the blogging friends I met last year and the new ones I’ve made this month. I’ve learned a lot from all your posts – and I’ve also laughed, cried, been terrified or repulsed! Sometimes all at once.

I've awarded myself a medal. Ok, fridge magnet.
I’ve awarded myself a medal. Ok, fridge magnet.

I’m very grateful to everyone who read and commented in return, and gave such warm and positive responses to Gallus Glasgow. I hope that those who don’t know the city will now be tempted to visit, and that those who do will have found at least one or two things they didn’t know about.

Potential blog posts have been piling up since the end of March, so it’s time for a little rest, then back into action. I hope some of you will still be with me. Au revoir!


  1. That is great, Anabel. Two challenges, bravo. I so enjoyed coming in here and visiting your city with you. I learned a lot and had a great time in the process. Congrats on completion and a job well done.
